Matevž (puréed beans with cracklings) with sauerkraut or sour turnip
“Matevž ” is a delicious dish made from cooked potatoes and beans. The inhabitants of the Dolenjska region also refer to this dish as “the potato man”. In the old days, this dish was prepared in the late autumn and in the winter time together with sauerkraut, sour turnips and during holidays , together with pork meat and sausages.
65 dag of red kidney beans
50 dag of peeled potatoes
1 onion or cracklings for
1 garlic
bay leaf
Soak the beans in the water overnight. The next day, cook them in salty water with a bay leaf. Boil the peeled and chopped potatoes separately. After the beans and potatoes are ready, mix them together and mash well. Then garnish the purée with the onions fried in the fat or cracklings and season with crushed garlic. In the meantime, cook the sour turnips in water separately for about an hour (the turnips will taste better if you cook them together with smoked ham or a slice of bacon). Prepare the roux by frying the onions and a little flour in lard in a pan. Add the roux to the turnips and cook for several more minutes. Serve the dish immediately. Place the stewed sour turnips on the plate with “matevž” on the side. You can serve pork with sausages or fried sausages.
Restavracija Term Šmarješke Toplice
Gostilna Žolnir
Planinski dom Miklavž